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THERE are a couple of reason's due to the higher temp,the fuel in the cylinder detonates ,and the amount of oxygen molecules per square inch is less. also what is happening in the cylinder when spark occurs under normal conditions the fuel burns across the top of the piston. In detonation and miss fire the fuel explodes at once on to of the cylinder. another aspect to remember is that the higher you are above sea level the less oxygen thee is.

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Q: What causes car to misfire at higher temperatures and elevations?
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Cool temperatures can be found in the mountains at higher elevations

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In the mountains at higher elevations

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Climates at higher elevations tend to be cooler and have lower average temperatures compared to lower elevations. This is because as you go higher in elevation, the air pressure decreases, leading to a drop in temperature. Higher elevations also usually receive more precipitation, as the air cools and condenses more readily. Additionally, higher elevations often have more variable weather patterns and experience stronger winds.

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Most East African people live at higher elevations to avoid diseases commonly found in lowland areas, such as malaria. Additionally, higher elevations provide cooler temperatures and more fertile soils for agriculture, which are beneficial for livelihoods.

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At higher elevations, the boiling point of water decreases. Therefore, 145 degrees Celsius would be at a higher elevation than 141 degrees Celsius.

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Lower elevations have denser air than higher elevations because air molecules are squeezed closer together by the weight of the air above, creating higher air pressure. This higher pressure at lower elevations results in denser air that contains more molecules per unit volume compared to the lower pressure and thinner air found at higher elevations.

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Trees that typically grow at higher elevations are conifers such as pine, spruce, and fir trees. These trees are well-adapted to colder temperatures and harsher conditions found at high elevations. They are often found in mountainous regions around the world.

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As elevation increases, the air pressure and temperature decrease. This is because the air at higher elevations is less dense and can't hold heat as well as denser air at lower elevations. Additionally, mountains can block warm air from lower elevations, leading to cooler temperatures at higher elevations.

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Places at higher elevations have cooler temperatures because the air becomes less dense as elevation increases. This results in lower atmospheric pressure and less ability to trap heat, causing temperatures to drop. Additionally, higher elevations are often closer to the upper atmosphere, where temperatures are lower.

Is the tierra templada environmental zone is situated at a higher elevation than the tierra fría zone?

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What is the average temperature of the himalaya mountains?

The average temperature of the Himalaya mountains varies depending on the region and elevation. In general, temperatures can range from hot at lower elevations to very cold at higher elevations, with average temperatures decreasing as altitude increases. Summer temperatures can be mild to warm, while winter temperatures can drop well below freezing.