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Q: What causes brakes to go to the floor?
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Why would a 1996 Chev truck brakes go most of the way to the floor after new master cylinder bleed the brakes. Worked on the brakes themselves but still brakes go almost to the floor.?

You either got the wrong master cylinder or you haven't actually bled all the air out of the system.

What causes a grinding sound in brakes?

your brakes are about to give out... you should go to wal-mart and have them replace them

What causes brake to go down to floor if brakes have been replaced?

Air in the brake system- Brake system needs to be bleed and fluid needs to be added while you are doing that.

Why do the brakes go to the floor before beginning to respond?

you either need a new brake master cylinder or your brakes need to be bled

Why would the brakes go to floor for no reason in Saturn?

They wouldn't. You have a problem, and it's hazardous to your health.

When bleeding the brakes on a 93 Chevy 1500 what do you do when the peddle will not go to the floor?

If bleeding rears and bleeder is open and peddle wont go to the floor try a front bleeder to see if you get results. what did you do to have to bleed them?

What causes cars to slow down?

the brakes or the emrgen see brakes

Why does 89 Honda Civic Brakes go to the floor in the summer and is normal in the winter?

The brake fluid will be thinner in the summer heat. Check the wheel and master cylinders for any leaks. The leak will let the pedal go to the floor.

Why would the brakes on a 1995 neon go straight to the floor no leaks found?

broken inner seals on your brake's master cylinder

What causes brakes to go to the floor on a 1989 Ford Ranger?

The brake fluid level might be low in the brake master cylinder in your engine compartment from a leak somewhere , or maybe you have air in the brake line(s) and the brake system needs to have the air blead out

What causes ABS brakes to be spongy?

ABS brakes are not spongy. If you have spongy brakes the reason is that there is air in the system. You need to have your brakes bled.