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blue smoke is caused by oil burning in the igntion chamber. oil gets there thru bad oil rings on pistons,or bad valve stem seals in the head,

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Q: What causes blue smoke to come out of the exhaust?
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White smoke means head gasket, cracked head or equivelant.

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if it is white smoke engine need to rebuilt.

What causes blue smoke to come from your tailpipe?

the engine is burning oil. blue smoke oil white smoke antifreeze black smoke excess fuel

Why does blue smoke come out your cars exhaust pipe?

running rich (too much fuel)

What causes smoke to come out of engine?

blue smoke is oil. white smoke is water. black smoke is unburnt fuel

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Black smoke is a indication of an overly rich Fuel/Air mixture. Blue smoke is oil burning.

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For steam to come out the exhaust you probably have a bad head gasket or a cracked head. If the turbo had an oil seal fail it would cause blue smoke to come out the exhaust.

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no. when a head gasket is bad coolant goes to the exhaust pipe and causes the car to smoke alot all white smoke.

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sounds like a stuck fuel injector

Car burns oil and white smoke comes out of the exhaust?

Yes, this is simply showing your car is working, however, what SHOULD'NT come out of your exhaust pipe is red flames. If that is what's coming out, I'd check with mechanic. In general, Blue smoke, engine oil. Black smoke, excess fuel. White smoke, engine coolant.

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usually a cracked head but i dont think that bike is liquid cooled

Why does smoke come from exhaust on Land Rover discovery?

If is a whitesh smoke then the head gasket has likely blown. The coolant is what gives it that color. If it is a bluesh/blackesh color then a piston or valve has been damaged. This is the common causes.