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There are numerous ways to lower your car insurance rates. The first would be to shop around and compare the best rates. Also adjust your coverage as lesser coverage will lower your rates. Other things such as low mileage, security, and good driving will help too. try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: Also "negotiating" lower car insurance is mostly about keeping up with the changing rates and making sure you're wringing every last benefit from your policy, so set a calendar reminder to do this once per year.

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Q: What can you do to lower your car insurance rates?
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The best car insurance rates for teens can be found by State Farm insurance. They have good student and good driver discounts that can lower rates by up to 40%.

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No, women will not receive lower rates on their car insurance than men. Car accidents happen on a relatively gender neutral level, so both sexes will be charged the same rate.

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Yes, taking a driving class can lower your insurance rates, especially if the car driver is a teen or a senior citizen. Insurance companies have found that the additional training will lower accident rates in these two categories of drivers.

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California car insurance rates are higher for drivers under 25. However your rates may be lower depending on your gender and driving record.

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Yes, they can help lower insurance rates, but not usually by a lot. Also female insurance rates are usually lower than male ones.

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Ye, car insurance rates are available for coupes.

How do I lower my car insurance rates?

The best way to lower your car insurance bill is to either switch companies or to be a great driver. You can also call your company and try to work out a less expensive deal.

How do you get your car insurance to lower?

The best way to find lower insurance rates is to have a good driving record. From there, shop around and go with the best one that fits your budget.

Can I get lower car insurance rates with DUI if I live in a specific location?

There are ways to reduce your car insurance rates after a DUI. Some states have classes you can take to reduce your rates and there are other ways to reduce also. Perhaps Virginia is providing means of reducing rates that are not available in Michigan.