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It shouldn't matter who was driving. The insurance company is responsible for the VEHICLE not the driver.

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Q: What can you do if you are hit by another driver and got their license number and the police charged them but their insurance will not pay because the owner says a friend was driving the vehicle?
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Does insurance go up with a turbo charged car?

Not necessarily. The driver's age and driving record are more relevant to the cost of auto insurance.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person?

This depends on the insurance policy. Usually your car is covered, no matter who is driving it. However, if you are driving a car and the owner doesn't have insurance, then your insurance would pay if you got in an accident.

What happens if you do not have a license and wreck someone else's car?

You will be charged with property damage and driving without a license and most likely driving without insurance. Not good.

Will insurance cover a totaled car if police report states alcohol involved but was only charged with reckless driving?

insurance is insurance as long as it wasn't done to profit the owner/ yes you are covered

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person's car in the state of Florida?

The insurance will not stand if some one else was driving the car, in Florida.

If you have an accident while driving another person's car will your insurance or the owner's pay the claim?

Auto Insurance follows the car not the driver. My son's girlfriend was driving his car when they where in an accident and his insurance was responsible.

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Do you have to have insurance full coverage if you are not driving a car that you are still paying on?

Yes & No. You still have to have liability coverage, which is the lowest type of car insurance, if you plan on driving another person's vehicle. Because, several years ago, I drove my friend's vehicle and the brakes went out and I rear-ended another vehicle. My friend did not have insurance on his vehicle, so my license was suspended for three months for no insurance. I advised the DMV that the vehicle wasn't mine! But, they told me that it doesn't matter! I should have had liability insurance anyways, if I was planning on driving someone Else's vehicle!

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another persons car in Florida?

The insurance policy on the vehicle you were driving will pay any damages assuming the owner of the vehicle and the owner of the insurance policy is one and the same.

Does car insurance in Ontario cease if the driver is impared?

The standard insurance companies would not insure you if you are involved in drunk driving. Once you are charged with drunk driving, the standard insurance company will cancel your policy, subject to your insuring yourself in the specialty market - high risk insurers like Pilot insurance, Echelon insurance or any other company.

In a wreck with no insurance and other drive had no insurance and no license what will the outcome be?

You will both be charged by the police with driving without insurance. This may make it difficult or very expensive for you to get insurance in the future. There will be no coverage for damage to either vehicle or any bodily injury