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If you feel that a law enforcement officer has stepped beyond the bounds of their job you can always lodge a complaint against them with their superiors and it will be looked into

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Q: What can you do if a policeman is rude while giving you a ticket?
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Why is some person giving rude answers on this site?

Because people are rude

Is Percy Jacksons mother rude?

No. She is kind and giving.

Is it rude to prove someone wrong?

No, it is only rude to do it in a rude way or to gloat while doing it.

Kiss in a rude or playful manner?

when you bite someone's thongue while kisiing him or her then it is rude

What would happen of you get a ticket for speeding 85mph on 65mph?

depends on the cop if they are nice probably a warning if there ok a ticket if they are rude most likely severe ticket but get a radar detector good ones like 200 hundred never had one ticket and i do ninety on the freeways

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No they are not releated and it is Robert Roode not Rude

What is Mitchel cave address?

I know it but it would be rude to invade his privacy so I'm not giving it out.

Does rude rhyme with rule?

Yes, "rude" and "rule" do not rhyme. The pronunciation of "rude" ends with a "d" sound, while the pronunciation of "rule" ends with an "l" sound.

How do you beat a obstructing driveway ticket?

You don't. Stop being rude and blocking people's driveways! Every day some idiot parks across my driveway and I have to call the police to get out of my own garage. Rude people like you burn me up, and I do everything I can to ensure you get a ticket and learn not to block residents' access to their own home!

Is it okay to play the computer and talk on the phone at the same time?

It is very rude because you are not giving the other person your complete and undivided attention, and if that person finds out you are playing on the computer while you are talking to the other person, the other person will be very mad because it is extremely rude to do something else while that person is talking to you. If you are bored talking to the person, make up an excuse or just don't pick it up, because it is rude to talk to someone and do something else, and they will think that you are bored with them. It is not okay.

Why is chewing gum while talking to someone considered rude in Germany?

It's considered rude everywhere, not just Germany.

Why is it rude to drop in on someone while surfing?

It's rude to drop in on someone while surfing because it can cause surfers to cross paths. The person that does that will be known in the surfing community for that can of behavior and become an outcast.