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You may be fined up to $1,000 and your license can be suspended for a period of 1 year, though the penalties may vary from state to state.

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Q: What are the consequences if you fail to stop for a school bus with flashing red lights?
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When you come upon a school bus with red lights flashing you must stop If you fail to do so the maximum fine is?


When you come upon a stopped school bus with flashing red lights you must stop if you fail to do so the maximun amount you can be fined is?

That will depend on the state or jurisdiction. Each gets to set their own penalties, but this tends to be very high.

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Will result in not being allowed to continue in the exam, and that will class as a fail and result in you doing a re take if the school will take you.

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Nothing crazy will happen, your playing time will be restricted... even if you fail multiple drug test.

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If you fail school you will have to go to summer school to make up your grade, and if you don't you will get held back.

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No. Einstein didn't fail high school, he just quit at 16.

How man students fail in school because of not eating right?

Students fail in school if they are not studying not for not eating right

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How many kid fail in school?

I don't actually know.... but I think that about 50 kids fail school every year

What consequences can occur when dynasties fail to meet the basic needs for their people?

They eventually get overthrown or replaced.

A school have power to fail a student to class 11th?

Yes. The school has power to fail a student in class 11th. You can't do much if the SCHOOL is playing POLITICS with you.