about 1400 miles
Rome is 854 miles away from Constantinople
The distance between Melbourne and Rome is 9934 miles.
Constantinople was based on the Christian religion and Rome was against it.
Around 1000 A.D.
Constantinople was approximately 800 miles east from Rome.
The distance between Toronto and Rome is 4417 miles (7108 km).
Both Rome and Constantinople had written laws. Emperor Justinian of Constantinople wrote the Corpus Julius Civilius which was based off the Roman written codes. Also Rome and Constantinople both practiced Christianity. Although Rome followed the Roman Catholicism and Constantinople followed the Eastern Orthodox Church, these are still from the same roots of the belief of Christianity. Also the idea of domes were used by both Rome and Constantinople. Rome had built the "Pantheon" and Constantinople built the Hagia Sophia. Emperor Justinian of Constantinople built the domes even bigger by using the quadrangle underneath the domes. Also both Rome and Constantinople were involved in trade and cultural diffusion with other countries.
Rome and Constantinople became centers of Christianity. Rome became the center of Western Catholic Christianity and Constantinople became the center of Eastern, Orthodox Christianity
The driving distance from Rome, Italy to İstanbul, Turkey is 1746km
The capital of the Roman empire was Rome and later Ravinia, in the West. In the East it was Constantinople.