The distance between Toronto and London, Ontario is 119.6 miles and is about a 2 hour and 11 minute ride.
The shortest time is 4 hours and 3 minutes.
The average drive time from North Bay, Ontario to Toronto, Ontario is 3 hours 46 minutes. The distance between the two cities is 344.3 kilometers or 213.94 miles.
This is an approximate travel time . The actual travel time may change depending on traffic,weather conditions and the route chosen. The travel time between the above mentioned places is 3 hours, 19 minutes
it takes about 10 hours from Toronto to Niagara falls.
The route between Niagara Falls, Ontario and Union Station in Toronto is approximately 2 hours.
It is 84 miles and an estimated drvng time of 1 hour and 47 minutes according to Google Maps.
This is an approximate travel time . The actual travel time may change depending on traffic,weather conditions and the route chosen. The travel time between the above mentioned places is 1 day, 5 hours, 46 minutes
4 hours 42 minutes going by car 4 hours 42 minutes going by car
This is an approximate travel time . The actual travel time may change depending on traffic,weather conditions and the route chosen. The travel time between the above mentioned places is 22 hours, 12 minutes
The distance from Toronto to London, Ontario is approximately 200 km (124 miles) by road. The travel time by car is about 2-2.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
If you left London, England at 3 PM, you would arrive in Toronto, Ontario at approximately 10:37 PM London time. The time in Toronto would be 5:37 PM.