The shortest route from Virginia Beach to New York City is going through District of Colombia, Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey.
You can also go this way bypassing D.C. completely:
The shortest driving distance is 1,223 miles.
It is 357.04 miles according to MapQuest.
Its about 6 to 8 hrs tops
This is the approximate time required. The distance considered for the journey is the shortest route chosen between the places. Also traffic rules like one ways and no entries have not been considered.the time required between the above places is 6 hours, 55 minutes
The answer is NYC.
From the south side of Central Park in NYC to "Five Points" in the center of downtown Atlanta is approximately 868 miles by the quickest road route; or approximately 847 miles by the shortest distance road route.
The road distance between the above places is 93 miles . This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Traffic rules like ‘No Entries’ and ‘One Ways’ have not been considered when calculating this distance.
The shortest driving distance is 178 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 83.2 miles.