The number 1 plug wire on a 454 Chevy engine typically connects to the spark plug located in the front-left (driver's side) cylinder. You can refer to the firing order diagram for your specific engine to ensure the correct placement of the plug wire.
It should be the same as the small block.18436572.
what is the plug wire placement on the distributor cap of a1996 gmc 4.3 v6?
need to know the year.
The number #1 plug is the forward-most plug on the left (driver's) side. Trace that wire back to the cap and you've got your answer.
On the Chevy V8 it is on the front of the engine driver's side. On a inline 6 cylinder it is the plug on the front of the engine. On the V6 it is the front plug on the passenger side.
One at a time
The 1993 GMC spark plug wire distributor wire placement diagram can be obtained from most General Motors dealerships. Most auto-parts stores will have the diagram.
check for spark from the number one plug wire if no spark then start with the coil
Bad plug or Plug wire