There are about 44.483 miles between Albany, CA and Santa Rosa, CA.
It is 104 road miles taking this route:Take I-80 WEST, from Santa Rosa, to SR-37 WEST to NOVATO at EXIT 33B.Take SR-37 WEST to U.S. 101 NORTH to SANTA ROSA.Take U.S. 101 NORTH to Santa Rosa.
San Francisco is 55.10 miles away from Santa Rosa.
There are about 149.441 miles between Santa Rosa, CA and Redding, CA.
460 miles
Santa Rosa, CA is 55 miles north of San Francisco.
There are about 60.762 miles between Santa Rosa, CA and San Ramon, CA.
about 40 miles
107 miles
Sacramento, CA, United States, to Santa Cruz, CA, United States, is 147 miles, by road, or 114 miles as the crow flies.
104 miles by car.
There are about 68 miles between the Oakland airport and Santa Rosa, CA.