The distance between Daytona Beach, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia is 440 miles.
The distance between Daytona Beach and Tampa FL is about 140 road miles.
80 miles
It is approximately 845 miles between Baltimore, MD and Daytona Beach, FL.
St Augustine, FL. It is about 20 miles south of Jacksonville. The coastal highway goes from there down past Daytona Beach, FL. It's a nice drive most of the way.
Daytona Beach and El Paso are 1,700 miles apart.
Kissimmee Florida and Daytona Beach Florida are approximately 87 miles apart. This can be broken down as follows: Kissimmee is 76 miles away from Daytona Beach Orlando is 11 miles away from KissimmeeThis means that the total distance between Kissimmee and Daytona Beach is 87 miles.
57 miles
140 miles
57 miles
about 40 miles
The length of the beach of the Daytona is of the length of the beach.