The driving distance between Greenville ME and Portland ME is 154 road miles.
Are you going east or west?/
1,587 road miles.
Portland, OR to Honolulu is about 2,257 air miles.
1176 but you will need a ferry or boat of some sort and/or aiplane
It is 590 mile according to Google Maps.
Yarmouth is about 207 miles directly east of Portland, Maine. One mile is 0868976 nautical miles, so there are 179.88 nautical miles between them.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is 2,375 air miles.
4,780 miles or 7691km by road.
665 road miles (1070km).
As of 2000 the answer is 41 people per square mile in Maine
Maine, USA - 35,385 sq mi