that would be approximately 160 mile
The driving distance to Reno, NV is about 218 road miles.
220 miles
The distance between Sparks, NV and Reno, NV is approximately 6 miles.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Reno, Nevada is: 1,687 miles / 2,715 km
The driving distance from Dallas, TX to Reno, NV is 1,664 miles.
534 miles
The distance between Reno NV and Chicago IL is about 1,925 road miles.
A primary wave (P-wave) can travel at an average speed of about 6 km/s through the Earth's crust. The distance between San Francisco, California, and Reno, Nevada, is approximately 350 km. Therefore, it would take around 58 seconds for a primary wave to travel from San Francisco to Reno.
473 miles
The flight distance from Reno, Nevada to Aberdeen, United Kingdom is 4,858 miles or 7,819 km.
The driving distance from Fort Worth TX to Reno NV is 1,644 road miles, using I-44 West.