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You are going to have to call the court. They are the only ones with a record.

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Q: Lost your speeding ticket how do you find a copy?
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What happens if your speeding ticket is lost?

You still owe the fine. Contact your local court house. They will be able to find a copy of your infraction and let you know how much to pay, and where to send it. Not paying the fine promptly typically results in an escalation of penalties.

How can you find out how much you owe on a speeding ticket from IN?

check with the court listed on the ticket

Would my insurance company find out about a speeding ticket 1-10mph over if no points will be accumulated against my driver's license AND I'm only 17 living in Indiana with no prior record?

a speeding ticket is a speeding ticket! yes

Does your insurance go up for speeding ticket?

If they find out about it then it might.

What if you lost your red light ticket?

Contact the court where the ticket was issued. Some courts have their docket accessible over the web, you can look up your name and find it. With the number, you can get a copy. They may charge you 50c or $1 for the copy.

How much will a speeding ticket in Minnesota cost going 76 in a 60?

The cost of a speeding ticket varies from state to state. The first place you can find out the cost of your Minnesota ticket will be right on the ticket itself. Most tickets will tell you the prices of violations.

What ways can my friend pay a speeding ticket online?

You can find the information you need about paying a speeding ticket online at the following Tell him to slow down. Speed kills.

Do you have to pay the speeding ticket if the cop gives you both the copies of the speeding ticket?

Why don't you try it out and see if you get away with it. I will guarantee that the ticket is entered into a computer system before you get any copies. We'll find out when they come to serve the warrant on you in handcuffs.

How Pay old speeding ticket?

Call them up and find out what the total is that you would owe based on the date you can pay the bill. If you pay by money order, make sure you make a copy for your records.

Where can one view speeding ticket fines online?

DMV handles issues like that. Check online at the local DMV to find information about speeding ticket fines. Usually you can admit responsibility and pay the fine online as well.