The air distance from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in California to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York is 2,469 miles. That equals 3,974 kilometers or 2,146 nautical miles.
It is about 2,795 miles from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to New York City, NY. It will take about 1 day and 17 hours.
Distance:The distance between Los Angeles and New York City is 2462 miles (3961 km).The driving distance between Los Angeles and New York is 2,778 mi - about 1 day 17 hours. Flights:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to New York, NY (NYC)Flight Duration 5 hours 0 minsNew York, NY (NYC) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX)Flight Duration 5 hours 53 mins
Flight:New York, NY (LGA or JFK) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX)Flight Duration 5 hours 45 minsDistance:The direct distance between New York to Los Angeles is 2462 miles (3961 km).The driving distance from New York to Los Angeles is 2,776 mi - about 1 day 17 hours.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to New York, NY (NYC)Shortest Flight Duration 5 hours 13 mins
Flight:New York, NY (NYC) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX)Flight Duration 5 hours 45 minsDistance:The direct distance between New York to Los Angeles is 2462 miles (3961 km). The driving distance from New York to Los Angeles is 2,776 mi - about 1 day 17 hours.
to new york would be further. i fly dfw to lax all the time and it takes about 2.5 to 3 hrs
If you mean: can you take a train from Los Angeles to New York, then yes.
Los Angeles.
Distance:The distance between Los Angeles and New York City is 2462 miles (3961 km).The driving distance between Los Angeles and New York is 2,778 mi - about 1 day 17 hours. Flights:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to New York, NY (NYC)Flight Duration 5 hours 0 minsNew York, NY (NYC) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX)Flight Duration 5 hours 53 mins
Los Angeles is not a state. It is a city. Mississippi and New York are states.
No, New York is in the opposite direction to Australia if you were in California. From LAX (Los Angeles) you can fly direct to Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney on Australia's East Coast.
Mississippi is a state. Los Angeles is a city. New York City is a city. The State of New York is a state.