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There are 45 states that have reciprocity agreement with each other for moving violations. Both Maryland and Pennsylvania are among them.

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Q: Is there reciprocity between the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania for moving violation tickets?
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Virginia will recognise an out-of-state permit - Pennsylvania will not.

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uh huh

What is Maryland's northern boundary?

Maryland's northern boundary is defined by the Mason-Dixon Line, which serves as the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

What is the distance between Washington DC and the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania?

about 80 miles

Is the mason dixon line by Illinois?

No. It is the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

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Is there reciprocity between the states of Virginia and Pennsylvania for moving violation tickets?

There are 45 states participating on the Drivers License Compact which report out-of-state convictions to each other. Georgia, Massachusetts , Michigan, Tennessee and Wisconsin do not participate.

What is one of the states that Maryland is between?

It's between Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware

What state are separated by the Mason Dixon line?

Mason and Dixon surveyed the border between Maryland and Penn's domain of Pennsylvania and Delaware State. This tour follows the southern border of Pennsylvania covered bridges in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. This is a tour of covered bridges, not of the Mason-Dixon line

What is the mileage between Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and Baltimore Maryland?

It is 247.81 miles according to MapQuest.

What is the distance between Baltimore Maryland and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania?

197 miles / 316 km

Who won the war between Maryland and Pennsylvania?

Pennsylavania they have more industries and have a larger population.