

Is nb material magnitic

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Is nb material magnitic
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nb nb kj:)

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There are about 33.980 miles between Florenceville, NB and Plaster Rock, NB.

What is magnitic compass?

yes its a compass they used in the 1400 that told what direction to go to when far from home

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the imaginary lines around the magnet is a magnitic field and strong

What is NB diameter?

NB = Nominal Bore

What is nb in valve?

NB is nothing but Nominal Bore.

What is NB in NB actuator?

Nominal Bore Actuators.

What is NB?

On shoes, NB stands for New Balance.

What are synonyms for material?

cjnfgfhnghkjlhgk;,n;,gm,nb',n,,mhg'm, n,nm,nm'

What mean Nb in chemistry?

Nb is the chemical symbol of niobium.