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Give it two asprins and call me in the morning.

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Q: Is it good if my car is sneezing?
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What does the superstition a cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it mean?

The superstition that a cat sneezing is a good omen is rooted in the belief that it can ward off illness or bring good luck. When a cat sneezes, it is thought to be a sign of positive energy being spread to those who hear it, protecting them from harm or negative influences. It is seen as a positive and auspicious event in many cultures.

How many car accidents are caused by sneezing in the US per year?


What is a killer grand XLb?

A killer grand XLb is the fastest car in the world, powered by sneezing powder

How do you say good health in Spanish?

Physically : buena salud [After sneezing]: salud!

Does a sneeze guard need to be there at all times?

you dont need it all the time but covering your sneezing is a good idea

What are three ways to prevent disease?

good night rest eat healthy sneezing into elbow

Can sneezing break your neck?

some people die from sneezing

Why some people sneezing is a bad luck?

The belief that sneezing is a sign of bad luck varies across cultures and superstitions. In some cultures, it is believed that sneezing expels the soul or brings illness. These beliefs have likely developed from cultural and historical factors, rather than any scientific basis. Ultimately, whether sneezing is considered bad luck or not is subjective and dependent on individual beliefs and cultural traditions.

What is a plant that can induce sneezing?

One plant that can induce sneezing is ragweed. It produces pollen that can trigger allergic reactions, including sneezing, in some people.

Has Lauren Johnson stopped sneezing?

no she hasnt she will never stop sneezing

What is a simile for sneezing?

A simile for sneezing could be "like a trumpet blasting."

Is it good to sneeze?

Sneezing isn't bad in any way, but I don't see why it's good. I'd say it's pretty bad because you'll probbaly get tired of it. I guess sneezing is good because you feel nice after a huge wet sneeze, and if you don't cover your mouth, it starts to smell good, a breeze of wet i love the smell of sneeze!