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Hi. My name is Daniel I'm a car sales man in the Auto Mall, i really think its better to lease if you like to change cars every 2-3 years and get into new ones.

BUT i would also have to say buy, if your looking to own the vehicle for a long time...

beware---- if your credit doesn't allow you to lease.

a loan will not be such a bad decision, however you could always trade out in 2 years for a new car....

IMO, it is better to buy a 1 or 2 year old used car with low mileage. Get a certified used car if possible. Some Certified used cars have a better warranty than a new car. Let someone else eat the depreciation, not you. I would never, ever, lease a vehicle.

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Q: Is it better to buy or lease a car?
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Usually buying a car outright is a better deal if you can pay upfront without a loan. If you do need a loan, then depending on the deal you get for the loan vs. the lease it can be a better deal to lease, but not usually.

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Never ever lease. Leasing is a horrible deal. Buy a one year old Certified Used car. You save money and get a better warranty than a new vehicle.Never ever lease. Leasing is a horrible deal. Buy a one year old Certified Used car. You save money and get a better warranty than a new vehicle.

Can you buy a car and turn around and lease it?

you can for a private seller but if you buy multiple car's and lease them it would be illegal unless you have a dealer license.

Is it cheaper to lease a car rather than buy a car?

No. Leasing is for suckers. A lease is no more than renting a vehicle with nothing to show for it at the end. Stay away from a lease. Buy what you can afford, and forget the lease.

Is it more cost effective to lease or buy a new car?

It is more effective to buy. If you lease, then you will be paying for the car for a number of years, but will be obligated to either buy the car or get a new one, but all money paid into the lease will be lost. When buying, you have documented ownership.

Is it best to lease or buy a car?

That depends entirely on your situation.

What is meant by a balloon payment on a lease car?

A balloon payment refers to the last payement you make on a car that you got as a long term lease. At the end of the lease you can either make a balloon payment and buy the car, or you return the car.

When taking into consideration the prices to lease a car is it better to buy?

The choice of either leasing or buying a car depends on the original price of the car; depending on the price, either leasing or buying can be the better option. However, buying a car is usually cheaper than leasing it.

Can you lease a car with already having a current car loan?

That would depend on the credit worthness of the person wanting to lease. It is a separate transaction just as if you wanted to buy a second car.

Can you purchase someones car when there lease is over?

No a lease is just a long term rental, it is owned by co he got it from but you can buy from them sometimes