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i have a engine with this # and its a 2 bolt main

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Q: Is engine 3970044 2 bolt or 4 bolt?
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Can a 4-bolt main 350 engine fit in an 88 silverado 1500 with a 2 bolt main engine?

No it wil not. You will have to remove the 2 bolt engine out of the truck and then replace it with the 4 bolt engine. 2 engines will not fit in one vehicle silly wrench puller.

Does a 1972 350 Ci truck engine have a 2-bolt or 4-bolt main?

should be 4-bolt

Does a 1992 Chevy k1500 pickup have a 2 or 4 bolt main?

If it's the factory engine, then it will be a 2-bolt main engine.

Was the 2000 3500 dually 5.7 l a 4 bolt main or 2 bolt main?

That would be a 4-bolt engine in that truck.

A 1978 Chevy Nova 5.0L 305 engine uses a 2 or 4 bolt?

That would be a 2 bolt

Is a rebuild kit for 350 engine same for 2 bolt main as a 4 bolt main?

no cause a 4 bolt main has 2 extra bolts on each main

How do tell four bolt main from two bolt main?

To tell if your engine is a 2 bolt main or a 4 bolt main. Turn the engine upside down on an engine stand. Next, count the number of bolts on each main bearing cap. if there are two, then its a 2 bolt main. And if there are4, then its a 4 bolt main. This applies to the three center caps. The front and rear are always 2 bolt.

Does a four bolt main come in a 1991 silverado?

If it is a 1/2 ton. NO they all had a 2-bolt main engine in them. Now if it is a 3/4 or 1 ton truck then the odds of it being a 4 bolt main engine is about 100%

Is a 351 windsor a 4 bolt main engine?

It varys they can come in 2 or 4

Is 350 2 bolt or 4 bolt?

It can be either one, Need to run the engine numbers or remove the oil pan to know for sure. GM. made 2-bolt and 4-bolt main 350 engines.

Is a 1988 Chevy k1500 with a 350 a 4 bolt or 2 bolt main?

If its a 1/2 ton it will be a 2- bolt main, You can run the engine # if you need to know for sure. But i'd bet its a 2-bolt

Did a 1976 Chevrolet c-20 van have a 2 or 4 bolt main?

That year came factory with a 4-bolt main engine.