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Yes, we can quickly regrow cotton. Fossil Fuels can not be quickly regrown, making them non-renewable resources. We can never run out of sunlight, making in an inexaustable resource.

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Q: Is cotton a renewable resource
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What type of resource is cotton?

cotton is a renewable resource but requires a lot of water and farmland cotton is a renewable resource but requires a lot of water and farmland

Cotton is renewable?

Yes, because new cotton plants are grown every year, producing more cotton.Cotton is a renewable resource because you can grow more cotton plants.

Is denim a renewable resource?

Denim is typically made from cotton, which is a renewable resource as it comes from the cotton plant. However, the manufacturing process of denim involves various chemicals, water, and energy, which can have significant environmental impacts. Sustainability practices in denim production, such as recycling, using organic cotton, and reducing water usage, can help minimize the environmental footprint of denim production.

Is cotton renewable resources?

Yes, we can quickly regrow cotton. Fossil Fuels can not be quickly regrown, making them non-renewable resources. We can never run out of sunlight, making in an inexaustable resource.

Which is not a non-renewable resource lumber iron chicken cotton?

Of these, iron in a non-renewable resource. You cannot grow more iron if you run out. There is only as much iron as the earth has now, there will be no more.

Is cloth a renewable or a nonrenewable?

Cotton is probably a renewable resource (it can be grown every year). But it needs a lot of water and farmland. It is sometimes better called a sustainable resource, meaning it is renewable if we look after it properly.

Is wind and oil a renewable resource?

Wind is a renewable resource. Oil is not a renewable resource.

Which is renewable oil or cotton?

Cotton is renewable; oil is not renewable.

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Is cotton renewable or non renewable?

Paper is renewable if the trees it is made from are renewable, that is, if they are logged in a sustainable fashion and new forests are planted and looked after till maturity. Renewable energy refers to things like wind or sunshine, which keep on coming even if we use them to produce energy. Other things get used up and don't renew. Paper is made from trees and plant fibers. So paper is mostly non-renewable. When we use it all up, it's gone! If it is made from plantation timber, or quickly growing plants, like hemp, it can be classed as renewable. This is not the same as recyclable. All paper is recyclable, that is, it can be used to produce more paper several times before the fibers become too short.

What a renewable resource?

A renewable resource is when a natural resource can replenish itself.