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No - just the loan. BUT! The seller may repossess and sell the damaged car for $500.00 to apply to the loan rather than maybe $2000.00. So it's about the same anyway. You lose.

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Q: In North Carolina if you have cosigned for an auto loan and the loan is in default and the auto is damaged is the cosigner responsible for the damage?
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The answer is that the cosigner would be left responsible for taking over the payments. If the cosigner wants to maintain his or her credit rating (which is probably damaged due to your filing bankruptcy), If the consignor does not want the auto loan people to sue for any remaining balance, then he or she will need to keep making the payments. If the auto loan company sues for any remaining balance and gets a judgment, then the auto loan company will go after the assets of the consignor and or garish their earnings. attempt o seize their assets or garnish their earnings.

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