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Of course but if your deductible is higher than the value of the claim then there is no reason to.

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Q: If your garmin gps system is stolen can you file an insurance claim?
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Can you cancel stolen car insurance claim?

You can't just cancel a claim. It is basically up to the Insurance co. to either aprove a claim or deny it. However, it the vehicle was stolen, it is your resposibility to provide a police report proving that the vehicle was indeed stolen.

Can you file an insurance claim with no damage?

Without anything damaged, lost or stolen there is nothing to claim.

If your bike gets stolen from someone elses house who claims on the insurance?

If you owned it, you claim on your insurance.

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Once the insurance company has paid the claim for stolen items they become the legal owners of the items.

Can the insurance company deny your claim for stolen vehicle if the car payments are behind?

No, that wouldn't be a reason for claim denial. It may be a reason for them to investigate you for insurance fraud.

What can you do if a stolen car has been found but the insurance claim has processed?

since the claim is processed than you do not own the car anymore.

What is an insurance recovery car?

Stolen car that claim was paid off by the insurance company. The car was later recovered. Because the claim was already paid the car is owned by the insurance company and they will typically sale these at auction.

Can you claim on a theft from your van?

Claim on insurance? It depends if your policy incluldes theft of property from the vehicle, without the vehicle itself being stolen.

Will the insurance company accept your claim on a vehicle that is stolen if your late on your car payments?

They will accept almost any claim, paying it is another matter.

What document insurance co need to process stolen auto claim?

Typically they need a police report.

Can you file a claim for life insurance online?

If your Insurance Co. is well equipped with the system, you can submit claim on line. Even in the negative, the intimation of claim can always be filed to the Insurance Company on line.

Can you make a claim if your wife steals your car?

You'll need to report it stolen. The insurance provider will require a police report before they'll honor your claim.