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Q: If your driving privilege is suspended or revoked you may be eligible to apply for a harship license or reinstatement to determine your eligibility you should contact?
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Who do you contact If your driving privilege is suspended or revoked you may be eligible to apply for a hardship license or reinstatement to determine your eligibility?

This is a legal question- and legal answers vary, based on the laws where you live- AND YOU DID NOT TELL US WHERE THAT IS! Start by contacting the licensing authority in your state or province. This would be the same place you got your license.

Can you get a drivers license in Montana if your license is suspended in Idaho?

Not until you've met the conditions for reinstatement of your licence and driving privilege in Minnesota.

How do you get a suspended license reinstated?

Once the reason for the suspension has been resolved, the authority that suspended your license should issue a notice of eligibility for reinstatement. With that paper in hand it should just be a trip to the DMV office to get you back on the road.

A driver who refuses to take a test to determine drug or alcohol levels will have his or her driving privilege automatically suspended for?

If the driver refuses to take a test, his or her driving privilege is automatically suspended for one year.

If your license is suspended can you get a motorcycle license in Georgia?

No. If your privilege to drive is suspended, it is suspended for driving EVERYTHING.

Can you get a motorcycle license while your drivers license is suspended?

No. When your license is suspended, so is your privilege to drive, period.

Can your permit get suspended if you dont have one?

No, but your privilege to obtain a permit or license can be suspended for a period of time for certain offenses.

How can you renew an suspended license?

Until you meet the criteria for reinstatement of your license and pay any applicable fees, you can't.

If my Driver license is suspended in Tennessee can I get a driver's license in Illinois?

No, you cannot, until you've met the conditions for reinstatement of your licence in Tennessee.

What states can you get your drivers license in if your license is suspended in in Wv?

Until you've met the conditions for reinstatement of your license in West Virginia, none.

Does a suspended license in Virginia carry over to Maryland?

Not entirely certain of the context you're referring to here, so let me see if I can cover all bases here.If your license is suspended, it is suspended in ALL states and territories of the US, meaning nowhere in the US is your license valid. The same holds true for Canada - there is an information sharing agreement between the two countries in regards to this. So, no, you cannot drive in Maryland (or any other state) on your suspended Virginia license.As far as getting a Maryland license while your Virginia license is suspended, the answer is no. For one, you must be an established resident of Maryland in order to get a license from Maryland. Two, states share information with each other - while you have an ongoing suspension in one state, you will not be eligible to receive a license in any other state. If the suspension has passed, you've met the conditions for reinstatement, and you've moved to Maryland and wish to get a Maryland license, then you can.Bear in mind that, when a state suspends your license, they also suspend your driving privilege in that state. Typically, there will be a license reinstatement fee, and a driving privilege reinstatement fee. If you do not pay those fees, your license will not be reinstated at the end of your suspension period. And while it may be possible to get licensed in another state after the end of the suspension period without having paid those fees, you still would not be eligible to drive (on any license) in the state which issued the suspension and for which the reinstatement fees remain pending. So if you get pulled over, even with a valid license from another state, it'll be treated as you driving on a suspended license.

Can your driver license be suspended for reckless driving?

Yes, absolutely. Driving is a privilege, it is not a right.