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Yes. If you default on your car loan you will remain liable for the debt.

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Q: If your car is repossessed and the person who cosigned for you files bankruptcy are you still liable for the repossession?
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If the cosigner files bankruptcy and claims the debt of the cosigned loan is the cosigner relieved of the cosigned debt?

Unfortunately, no. For all co-signed debts, both signers are liable for repayment of the debt. When one party has their obligation discharged by bankruptcy, the remaining debtor becomes 100% liable for repayment of the balance.

If your aunt cosigned for a car and it got repossessed can she file suit against you because of the repossession?

Yes she can "IF" you fell behind on payments, and your car was repossessed, that means that she is liable for the monies due and she has every right to sue you to recoup her losses, so that her credit does not go bad.If you do the right thing right away and pay what you owe, you might be able to salvage your car and your aunt's trust. Good Luck

If your car is damaged while it is being repossessed who is liable for the damages the loan company or the repossession company?

The LENDER is responsible for every detail of a repossession. They may pass the costs of repair on to the repo company.

If you cosigned on a car loan and car was repossessed 5 yrs ago and now the creditors are harassing you but you don't work and have no way of paying can your husband be held liable if he did not sign?

The spouse cannot be held liable, however it is quite possible that the debt is no longer valid for collection. The person who cosigned the loan should find out what the SOL is in the state in which the contract was signed.

What are the mobile home repossession laws in Nevada?

In the state of Nevada, if you do not make payments on a car you are buying, it can be repossessed with no notice given to you. Once repossessed, you will still be liable for all further payments even if the car is sold at auction to another buyer.

What will happen if your car is repossessed in NC?

Either you'll get your payments current plus repossession fees, or your vehicle will be auctioned off, and you'll still be liable for the remaining balance after the auction.

Is the cosigner of a vehicle liable if the it gets repossessed?

Yes, the cosigner is typically liable for the vehicle if the primary borrower defaults and the vehicle is repossessed. The cosigner is equally responsible for the loan and may be pursued for any outstanding debts, fees, or deficiencies resulting from the repossession. It's important for cosigners to understand their obligations before agreeing to cosign a loan.

What happens when someone you cosigned a mortgage for has filed for bankruptcy?

When you co-sign on a loan or mortgage for someone, you are promising to make the loan payments if they can't. When someone files for bankruptcy, they are claiming that they cannot make their payments. It would stand to reason that if someone you co-signed on a mortgage for files for bankruptcy that you would then be liable for making the payments.

Is the person who cosigned for a rental agreement liable after 2 years?

The signers on a lease are liable for charges during the term of the lease.

If you car is damaged while it is being repossessed who is liable for the damages the loan company or the repossession company?

Sue them both, plus the driver, plus their respective insurance companies, and let the court find them "jointly and severally liable," so you don't care which one of them actually has to pay.

What do you do if your car got repossessed when it wasnt supposed to?

If it truly was a wrongful repossession, call local law enforcement and report the vehicle stolen. If they notify you that it was repossessed, inform them that it was a wrongful repossession. Next, contact the lender and demand politlely that they notify the repossession agency that the vehicle was wrongfully repossessed. You might even, still politely, suggest some sort of compensation for you inconvience. Also ask for the contact number of the repossession agency. Call them and notify them also of the wrongful repossession. Suggest also to them some sort of compensation for your incovenience. Vehicles that are wrongfully repoed must be returned as soon as possible and in the same condition as when taken. If there is damage, the lender and the repossession agency are liable. If you are not satisfied with how quickly your vehicle is being returned, push the auto theft charges.

If you are a cosigner on a vehicle and the other person gets the vehicle repossessed then files for bancruptcy what happens to the cosigner?

you are still liable for that loan. the lender may decide to not accept the bankruptcy charge and go after you for the money.