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Yes, if they run your information through the interstate system. When you apply for auto insurance, the insurance company checks your driving history via your name/dob/social security/drivers license number. The insurance company can see tickets/accidents recorded in other states and will base your insurance rate upon your driving history.

If you have a drivers license in two different states, you are committing a crime in at least one state.

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Q: If you have a drivers license in two different states and your insurance company only has one drivers license can they find out about a ticket on the other one?
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Can an car insurance company suspend a drivers license in Texas?

No. A drivers' license is issued by the DPS and only the DPS - or a court - can suspend someone's license. However, if Texas requires insurance and you don't have it, if an insurance company notifies DPS that you don't have insurance, then DPS could suspend your license.

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Not unless you alerted the insurance company, about him

You have motorcycle insurance but no license will it cover?

Depends on the insurance company. There are companies that will insure unlicensed drivers.

Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance?

No, Not necessarily, There are many insurance companies that will issue auto insurance coverage to you without a drivers license. It just depends on the underwriting requirements of the insurance company. Most of the larger national companies will require a drivers license first but many local and regional insurers will have no problem with it.

How can you find out someone's insurance company with their ID and insurance?

If you have their drivers license and insurance card what else will you need to know their insurance company. Perhaps you did not list the question correctly for what you meant.

If you rearend someone when the roads are wet who does not have a license or insurance who is at fault?

If you rearend someone, regardless of road conditions or the other drivers disposition on a drivers lic or insurance, you are still responsible. Not having a license or insurance is a civil matter, not involving insurance company.

Do you need a drivers license to get car insurance in California?

I think you need to get a driver's license in any state to get car insurance period. An insurance company will not supply you with insurance if they don't have proof that you are licensed to do so. My suggestion to you...get a license!

What happens if you get in an accident and the other driver does not have a drivers license?

If they don't have a licence they won't have valid insurance. Your own insurance company will advise; in the UK there is a pool to cover this, but it'll be different elsewhere.

What insurance company provides insurance for a person who never had a drivers license?

There are insurance companies that will write insurance for people who have never had a license. You will need to go see and independent agent who represents many different companies so he or she can find what you need. The key is that a company will write you insurance for a vehicle that you own if you do not have a license but you will be excluded as a driver and you need to list any drivers that may drive you around in your car. This means that you cannot drive the car for any reason and not coverage will be provided if you do drive.

Can you have auto insurance in Boston with a international driver license?

Depending on the Insurance Company, international drivers licenses are accepted at their discretion.

Do they sell car insurance for teen drivers?

If you live in the state of Virginia then yes you are able to get car insurance with a valid drivers license. You can visit any auto insurance company and get more information.

Where can you purchase insurance without a drivers license?

If you have no drivers license then you have no business driving a vehicle, therfore you do not need insurance.