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not technically. once the title is in your name that basically states that you've paid for the car in full and now were giving you the title to prove it

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Q: If you have a clear title in your name can a company sue you for vehicle back saying you still owe money even though you have been making payments?
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I presume that YOU declared bankruptcy yourself? If so, then the car loan company will likely try and repossess their property, as you through declaring bankruptcy are saying you do not have the funds to make the payments. The loan company has an interest in the car and will recover and sell it to regain some of the funds that they loaned you to purchase it. I am afraid that your personal needs for a vehicle do not enter into this situation.

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Do you have the title? I would watch out with this one, sounds like they made an error, however if you have title, I wouldn't sell right away, I would make another payment and when payment sent back, keep the envelope, sealed the way you got it back and hold on to it, just so they can see you have been attempting to pay the debt in the event they figure out they made a boo-boo. However, if you have title, and no lien on title, can't see why you cant sell.

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Yes, until you actually make the payment and the lender contacts the repo company and cancels the repo, we will still take your car. Unfortunately for you, one of the excuses that the repo man hears the most is "I have the money and I'm planning on making my payment tomorrow." If we let everyone keep their vehicle that told us that, we'd never make any money. This is not saying that you weren't going to make your payment, I'm just saying that we hear that a lot and most folks that use that line have no intention of making their payment the next business day like they claim.

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