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Both people own the car. If the names on the title show John Doe "and" Jane Doe, the title must be signed by both John and Jane before it can be sold. If it shows John Doe "or" Jane Doe, only one signature is required to be able to sell it.

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Q: If two names are listed on a title who is the owner of the car?
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Who owns the car the buyer or co-buyer?

Whoever is listed on the Certificate of Title is the owner of the car.Whoever is listed on the Certificate of Title is the owner of the car.Whoever is listed on the Certificate of Title is the owner of the car.Whoever is listed on the Certificate of Title is the owner of the car.

If the cosigner and the primary borrower are on the car loan but the payment book is in the primary's name who owns the car?

The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.

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The owner of the car listed on the insurance policy.

Do you have rights to A car if your names on the title?

Yes. If your name is on the title you are considered owner of that car.

Who is the owner on a car title when there are two names?


Can the title owner sell the car?

The person listed on the title is the only person allowed to sell the vehicle.

Can you trade in a car and you are not on the loan?

In order to trade in a car you must be the only owner listed on the certificate of title. If a creditor is listed on the title that creditor must be paid off from the proceeds from selling the car or from the new loan.

If I am the primary owner of a car that is paid in full my husband is the co owner can I take the car when I divorce him?

No. If both parties are listed as owners, then both people own the car. Changing the title will require a personal visit to your local motor vehicle department - both parties must be present in order to change the names on the title.

What if you get a car from a second owner and they have not put the title in there name?

You need to go back to the owner whose name is listed as owner on the pink slip. The car registration is still in that person's name.

When putting a title after the name do you put a title before the name?

This is listed under vehicle titles and you do neither that you ask. On a pink slip there are two boxes. One is the registered owner and the other is for the owner. If there is a loan on the car this is where the loan company is listed. If you own the car your name is there.

When selling a car does the co signer have to sign the certificate of title?

If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.

Who owns a car when two names are on the title?

The name coming first is the primary owner.