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Nonowner InsuranceIt's called non owners insurance. I do not know much about it's cost , I believe it works just the same as if you own the car.
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Q: If the car registration is in your brother's name can you get insurance on the car if you are going to be driving it?
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You were in an accident your car is a lease and it was your fault and you have no insurance what is going to happen?

You are going to have to pay all cost out of pocket. Also you may be given a severe ticket for driving without insurance.

Does a woman have to get her husband on her car insurance if they are separated and going through a divorce?

No, if he's not driving her car.

Do your parents have to add you to their insurance when you get your permit?

Answer If you don't have your own car and you are going to be driving their car, yes they have to add you to their car insurance or you won't be covered..

Is it illegal to keep children uninsured?

There is no law directing parents to provide health insurance for their children. It is the law that a child of legal driving age have auto insurance if he is going to be driving his own or his parent's car.

Can you buy a car without insurance?

Sure, if you just want to buy it but not drive it. Oh yes and if you have enough cash to pay for it without financing any of the purchase price. This is because most states require you to have insurance to drive or get a tag and if you finance the purchase you will have to purchase insurance as part of your finance contract.

Will a traffic citation for a left turn in a no left turn raise insurance rates?

Any, repeat, ANY, traffic citation regardless if speeding, illegal turns, registration, etc may cause your insurance rates to rise. When you receive a violation for an offense, this means that you are of greater risk to the insurance carrier, and the cost of insuring you over insuring someone with a perfect driving record, is going to cost more for them to underwrite, so those rises are passed on to you.

Can you add your dependent daughter's car to your policy if she is going to an out of state college?

Most insurance companies will allow that, for the ones that dont, simply add your name to the registration and then they would have to do it .

My friend was driving my car and got a DWI when she asked what insurance it would affect the officer said it would affect the car owner's insurance and not hers' the driver's Is this true?

No. Driving records follow the driver, not the car. Unless your friend is listed as a driver on your insurance then your insurance company is never going to find out about this/isn't even concerned with this.

Does someone living in the same home who needs sr22 insurance have to be added to your policy?

Yes, if they are going to be driving the car at any time.

Do you need insurance to drive a scooter in NC?

It depends on the scooter. If it is below 50 cc, and you do not plan on going above 30 mph, then no, but if it is above, then you have to have a special license, insurance, and registration. Call your local DOT or DMV and ask them about it and they can help you. Hope this was a good answer.

When a driver has no driver's license or insurance but driving a car that is insured and someone hits them who is responsible?

It's going to be very difficult to claim that it's not the fault of the person who was breaking the law by driving illegally.

Will going to driving school take a speeding and reckless driving ticket off someone's public record so their insurance premiums will not increase?

Speeding, yes, if you were going under 100 mph. Reckless driving, no chance, only time will remove that from your record. 7-10 years worth of time.