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While your insurance company only cares who pays the insurance policy, the DMV doesn't care who owns the car. The driver who causes the accident will have it show up on his/her driving record (if there was a ticket issued).

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Q: If someone was driving your vehicle with your permission and was at fault in an accident will it go on your motor vehicle record that you were at fault?
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Which insurance would be liable if our 16 year old son was involved in an accident driving someone elses auto with their permission ours or the owners?

The owners insurance will be responsible for coverage in an accident involving permissive use of their vehicle.

What happens if you are in a car accident and you are rear end by someone with no license in a company vehicle and they gave him permission to drive and you are injured?

If the person driving the vehicle was doing so with the owners permission, IN MOST PLACES, the owner and the owners insurance company are financially responsible and you should be able to sue and get compensation.

Can the owner of a vehicle force someone to pay for damages caused in an accident while driving their car with the owners permission?

Yes, you can file a lawsuit in the proper court and recover your damages if the person is unwilling to pay voluntarily.

Are there policies or companies that cover anyone driving your vehicle?

If you have insurance on your car, and someone else is driving it, and has an accident your insurance rate will go up but it will cover the damages to the other persons vehicle.

Does your parent's insurance cover you if you get in an accident when driving a friend's car?

secondary to the policy insuring the vehicle you drove with permission....barring any exclusions on your parents policy ....

Who is repsonsible if someone you did not give permission and does not have a license causes an accident my daughter who is listed on my policy did give permission?

You are still responsible for her and her decisions Legally the owner of the vehicle is going to be held liable.

Who is liable if a driver with a revoked license gets in an accident while driving your car without permission?

The unauthorized driver will be held responsible, unless there's proof that the vehicle owner did grant that person permission to drive.

In North Carolina if you have liability coverage only and you damage a friend's car while driving it with their permission are you considered an uninsured driver by your friend's insurance company?

No. If you are driving a vehicle with someone's permission, they assume the risk of letting you drive it and therefore their insurance company also assumes the risk. Under the policy contract, you would be considered an 'insured' because you had permission to use the vehicle. If you were responsible for the damage to your friend's vehicle and the accident was your fault, the only coverage to file would be Collision Coverage. Uninsured motorist is a coverage that would pay for damages to your friend's vehicle if you had been involved in a hit and run accident in which the unknown driver is at fault or if the other driver is known, is at fault and does not have insurance.

Can someone with liability only on a company vehicle involved in a minor accident driving to their home file a claim?

What would you file a claim for? The vehicle is not yours and it's a minor accident with no injuries, so you have no loss.

Would a car with full coverage belonging to someone else be paid off if it was totaled in a single car accident when the driver was a non-inssured non licensed driver?

If the person driving the car was not officially excluded in writing from the policy and had permission or a reasonable belief that they had permission to use the vehicle then most if not all of the provisions of the policy would apply for the owner of the vehicle.

What might happen if an uninsured driver had an accident and received a DUI in your vehicle?

First of all, if the driver was driving your vehicle with your permission, your auto insurance will cover the accident expenses. Automobile insurance is issued to cover the vehicle. If the vehicle was stolen, that's quite a different matter - your local law enforcement agency will have better information.

If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.