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Then he's a total plonker!

The finance company will chase you for it, they won't miss a thing, believe me.

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Q: If dealer Forgot to collect down payment?
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Car dealer forgot down payment?

The car dealer is not required to collect a down payment. The finance company is the one who usually asks for it. If they desire a down payment, they will contact you to get it.

What do you do if the dealer forgets to collect down payment?

sue him

How long will a dealer hold a car with a down payment?

How long a dealer will hold a car with a down payment depends on the dealer. It is a good idea to get a time frame in writing. Some dealers will sell a car within a couple of days if you do not complete the transaction.

Can a dealer reposses a car for not paying deferred down payment that is not in the contract?

This is not your car. The down payment enables you to have the privilege of a contract. So, pay up.

Can you use a boat for a down payment on new car?

Sure if the dealer will accept it.

If you fail to complete the deposit for your down payment but are already financed and making car note payments can the car dealer repo your car for the remaining down payment?


Can a dealer refuse an 1800 down payment if no contract was signed?

A dealer can do whatever they want, they are not legally obliagted to sell you any car.

Can a dealer refuse to refund a down payment if you refuse the car?

Depending on what you signed when you made the down payment, yes. Take a look at any papers you signed. Depending on the size of down, take them to small claims court.

You signed a contract for a used car the car dealer still has the car you have not given your down payment can you get out?


What can you do if you made a down payment on a car but after a week the dealer told you there was a lien on the car and could he be getting a better deal and what are your options?

I believe you can get your down-payment back if you do not have the car. But, if the dealer is doing that to sell the car after you have made a downpayment (depending on what the contract/receipt states) then you mave have legal options against the dealer. Some lawyers have free consults. I would contact a lawyer for free consultation before getting my down-payment back because the dealer may have breached a prior agreement/contract, whether verbally or written. State laws may differ.

You cannot make the rest of the down payment and the dealer wants the car back do they have to give us back your trade?

In Chicago, IL if your car is repossed by the dealer do you still have to pay back the money for the car?

If a deal is closed and you've made payments for 11 months to the bank and dealer later notifies that there is a downpayment debt of x amount can he repo and if he does will it cancel the debt?

A dealer can not repo the vehicle. The dealer can howecer sue you to get the down payment money if he can prove you owe it.