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Q: I know where a car is hidden how do you find out the repossession agent?
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Can you get paid by a repossession agent for reporting the location of a hidden car or truck on their hit list?

I'm sure that you get a finders fee. But I personally would call the company and ask them. Either way you should let them know to be a good citizen!!

Can you repo a car if you have title?

When you purchased the car, you may have received a lien title from the state. This is not a clear title of ownership. The lender in essence still owns the vehicle, at least part of it. It is held in security for the loan. If you are a repossession company or agent, you will be required to have an order of repossession. But, if you are a repossession company or agent, you should already know this.

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Can you be charged with a stolen truck if you get behind on payments?

If they come to repossess it, and you claim to not know where it is, then the repossession agent will report it stolen. At that point, anyone found in possession of it is in possession of a stolen vehicle.

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If you really want to know, ask him.

Does the repossession company have to report the repossession to the police after the repossession?

I only know about the state of Massachusetts. And yes in our state they have one hour to report the repossession to the police department in the town of which the car was taken.

Is it felony to conceal a car from a repo agent in Louisiana?

All you really do is make things more difficult for yourself, but that in itself isn't. However, if you tell a repossession agent that you don't know where the car is, then the repo agent, acting as an agent for the finance company (who are the legitimate owners of the vehicle) may file a missing property or even stolen vehicle report, then your troubles increase from that point. I would discourage you from trying this, but, if you're going to, just don't say anything at all to the repossession agents. They can't compel you to talk to them.

Do Police Know Car Is Under Repossession?

yes angel i know this is you

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you can find Michelle in the east village. unfortunately i don't know how to get there.

What do you have to know about Repossession officer to be one?

You should know the laws of your state that concern repossessions,(UCC Article 9), FDCPA,FCRA,ect. It wouldn't hurt to know some basic contract law. You should know how to operate and be licsensed to operate most types of vehicles. You should be able to operate the equipment you will be repossessing with(wrecker,self loader,rollback). You should be in decent physical shape. Will that keep you busy for a week?? Good LuckAnswerFirst thing is you need to realize that you wouldn't be a repossession "officer". You cannot say that you are any type of officer when doing a repo. You can refer to yourself as a recovery agent, a repossession agent, repoman but never an officer. Referring to yourself as any type of officer gives color of law and that makes the repo illegal.

Can a repo company move another persons car to get to my car in the state of pennsylvania?

No. The only car they can touch is the one they are going after. Nor can they get inside a closed garage. The first answer is correct so far as it goes. In no state that I know of can a "repossession agent" disturb the peace or commit a felony, misdemeanor or offense during the course of a repossession of property.

Who can you contact to turn in a name and address of a car that is being looked for for repossession?

There are two assumptions here: you know the vehicle is up for repossession. You either have seen the repo truck crusing around for it, or the repo agent has made contact with you. Either way, you know the name of the repossession agency, call them or make contact with their driver. Or, you know the person and know they are late or defaulted on their payment. If you do not know the name of the lender, you can get this information from the DMV using the VIN from the vehicle. It will cost you, but stay tuned. When you make contact with the lender or the repossession company, ask for a finder's fee before you give any information. Let them know you want half up front, and you will take the driver to the vehicle, where you want the other half. Settle for no less than $200.00. Give no information until you are certain you will be paid.