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good customer starts with a greeting ,qualify,reccomend.and thanking them. poor customer service would be to ignore or pretend they did not exist or matter .

Good customer service would be described as paying attention to the customer, making sure they don't hear you doing anything else in the background, actively listening, asking questions that will help you delve into their issue more and help them express what it is they are wanting/needing. You also want to be sure that you summarize their question and repeat it back to them like "So, I'm understanding that you want to know blah blah blah and you already have tried so and so. Is that correct?" Your attitude should always be one of taking ownership of the issue at hand and doing whatever you can do (i.e. using all of your resources) to resolve the issue and offer up the solutions to the customer. Never, ever, ever use the words "I don't know" or "that's not my job". Instead of that you can say "I do not have that information in front of me right now, but if you are able to hold for a moment I will go and find the answer for you." And you never leave someone on hold for extended periods of time without checking back with them. You should always take the customer's needs and time into consideration. If you know they'll need to hold for a while and you have the ability to call them back, offer that to them as an option so they don't have to hold on the phone forever.

Poor customer service is ignoring the customer's needs and time. Not actively listening. Clearly doing other things while you are "listening" to them, talking over them or interrupting them, not being polite or cordial (ex: talking to them as you would a friend instead of as you would someone of respect. You don't want to say "yeah" to a customer, you want to say "yes, ma'am or sir"). You also would be providing poor customer service by only looking at the issue superficially. Not researching the problem and correcting the root or saying "I can't help you" or "I don't know". You can ALWAYS help someone in some way, even if it is taking the initiative to find out the exact person you can hand the off to that will definitely be able to help them. And when you do that, you want to get the name of that person and then let them know the customer's problem before you hand them over so the customer doesn't have to restate their issue.

All-in-all you want to look at customer service from the perspective of a customer. We have all been customers as some point, so think about how you would want someone to take care of your problem.

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