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well in Minnesota it cost me $285


My recent ticket was $330 in California. I was written up for "90+" in a 65MPH zone. It will cost me $51 more for traffic school. The officer indicated that 90 was the maximum he could write me up for speeding. Anything higher than that would have to be for reckless driving. Reckless driving is a misdemeanor and requires a court appearance where the judge will set the fine price. Been there done that. =)

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Q: How much will a speeding ticket cost in California doing 97 in a 70 mph zone?
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$208 I was given a ticket for going 80mph in a 70mph zone. The ticket cost $127 + traffic school.

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Hmmm, I have paid $118 for doing 62 in a cal. As for speeding in a construction zone it is about the worst ticket a person could get .

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How much will a speeding ticket for doing 70 in a 55 MPH zone cost in California?

The cost for a speeding ticket in California for going 55 in a 70 mile per hour zone is $214 plus court costs of $100 or more. The ticket will remain on the person's record for five years.

How much does a speeding ticket cost if you were doing 69mph on a 65 mph in California?

It will cost you around 234 dollars. This is with a bunch of fines on top of fines. You need to be very careful when speeding in California as tickets can go up to 480 dollars or more.

How much will a speeding ticket in Utah cost for doing 80mph in a 65mph zone?

I just got a speeding ticket for 35 in a 30 and it was $90