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At my local Tesco in south-west Sussex, England Petrol 95 is 1.14 per litre.

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Q: How much is petrol prices?
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Why do different petrol stations have different prices?

The price depends on the petrol supplier, how much they charge for the company who owns the petrol station. It also depends on how much of a profit the companies want to make. Say if sainsburys had a petrol station somewhere, prices 110p per litre, they could be making 10p profit off the petrol suppliers price which could be 100p per litre.

How have the prices of petrol products changed in the last 12 months in America?

The prices of petrol products have changed in the last 12 months by -4.78% in America. Petrol prices are currently 3.665, and one year ago the prices were 3.849.

Why is it when Petrol prices go up food prices go up but when petrol prices go down food prices remain as they are when petrol prices start to go up again food prices go up so the consumer cant win?

you got it all in one!

What are the petrol prices?


Petrol prices in Europe?

$3.50 a litre.

Why are the prices of petrol and diesel going up?

demand of petrol are going up year by year and petrol is nonrenewable source of energy

How do you find gas and petrol at cheap prices?

go to Nar Nar Goon Petrol station

How much is a liter of petrol in Newcastle?

A litre of Petrol in NewCastle, England costs around å£5, but the prices vary according to the location and uptodate info should be obtained regarding the same.

How are actual PETROL PRICES tied to the cost of a barrel of oil?

Petrol, or gasoline, prices will fluctuate, generally, in the same direction as the price of oil. However, there are other factors, including shipping and refining expenses, that go into the price of petrol.

How much does petrol cost in Dubai?

Dubai is located in the United Arab Emirates, commonly seen as the global oil hub. As such, gas prices are cheap where a litre of petrol in Dubai costs around $0.48.

What was the petrol prices in New Zealand in 1958?

25c a gallon

Petrol prices in India cities in 1999?

34.50 Rupee