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The answer depends upon the jurisdiction that issued the ticket. The court listed on the citation should be able to give you the answer.

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Q: How much is a ticket for not having insurance?
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I got a ticket for having no proof of insurance if i go to court with insurance will my ticket get droped?

The ticket will only get dropped if you have proof that you HAD insurance at the time of the ticket had been issued. You may get the ticket fine lowered with proof that you now have the required insurance.

What if you are in an accident that wasn't your fault and don't have insurance?

Expect to get a ticket for not having the insurance.

How much will a no proof of insurance ticket cost in Michigan?

There is not a ticket charge for a no proof of insurance in Michigan. You are given a ticket for other things, such as speeding.

Do you need to inform the insurance company about your speeding ticket in Canada?

No you do not need to inform your insurance company of a speeding ticket you have obtained. You do need to be sure you pay your ticket to avoid having your registration canceled.

How do I resolve a proof of insurance fix-it-ticket in California?

You have to provide proof that you had insurance at the time and date of the ticket or pay the fine for not having coverage as required by law.

How much would a cop ticket you for if you have no insurance?

In the State of California where i am its a $500.00 Plus ticket.... its Cheaper to just Pay the Insurance.

If you got a ticket for not having car insurance are you responsible or is the owner of the car?

The owner of the car. If YOU got a ticket because YOU were operating an uninsured vehicle on a public road, YOU are responsible for the ticket. There may also be a citation for the owner for having the vehicle registered without the required insurance.

How much is a no insurance traffic ticket?

It depends on the state.

How much is a no insurance ticket in livingston parish?


How much is a no insurance ticket in Jackson MS?


You got a ticket in PA going 85 in a 55 how much will your insurance go up?

The increase in insurance for any ticket is dependent upon the insurance company and the driver. Some insurance policies will not go up in the event of one ticket.

Can you get a no insurance ticket for car if your drivers license is insured?

You can't insure a driver's license. The ticket would have been issued to whoever was driving at the time the police issued it. If you had no proof of insurance with you - and that is required in most states - then you can be ticket for not having it with you.