Depends on the size of the mower.
6,250 J
That will vary for each make and model of mower.
It depends on what kind of lawn mower (push or ride). I sell my fixed push mowers usually for $30.
give up and hire a lawn service...
4 hp
10 dollar
You should always have 20 fluid ounces of oil in a Briggs and Stratton 5.5 HP lawn mower. This equals out to roughly 1.6 quarts.
about as much as a lawn mower
A lawn mower can make your lawn chores take much less time. Also, lawn mowers allow you to cut your lawn in a uniform fashion. There are basically two types of lawnmowers: push mowers and riding lawn mowers. For the most part, a push mower should be adequate unless your lawn is enormous. Then, you might want to get a riding lawnmower. This makes it so that you can sit on it, which is much easier. However, you will have to pay for this premium by spending extra money. Therefore, use a push mower unless your yard is enormous.
Check the oil/fuel mix and make sure you have it mixed to the correct ratio. Else, try raising the blade on the lawn mower. If you have the lawn mower blade too low, mowing tall grass, it can make too much work for the mower and will cause it to overheat.
It depends what kind? The push lawn mower about 70 - 80 pounds. The ones that you ride on, those weigh about 200 - 350 pounds!