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Q: How many seconds should you scan ahead to compensate for visual cues coming at a faster rate?
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Not that you could measure. A fan should reach a stable speed in just a few seconds.

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They say to be about 3 seconds behind the person infront of you. So the faster you move the further back you should be.

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A sophomore in high school should be able to run something in the low 15 sec range.

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There is definitely faster out there but for home use it is very good. Most web pages will open within 1-2 seconds completely and videos should load faster than they play, thus, no buffering issues.

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This depends on the aerodynamic shape, weight, size of your vehicle. The optimal speed for fuel economy will be faster for a low to ground, relatively pointed shaped vehicle as compared to a van or SUV. Generally speaking, if you are driving faster 65 mph, you are probably burning more gas to compensate for the increased wind resistant.

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If you see the him/her, the cyclist will probably only be a few seconds away. Let him/her pass first - then open the door.

What if a girl breaks a girls bracelet?

You should replace or compensate for the loss. You would expect no less.

If you run a 2.00 800 meters what should be your 1500 meter time be?

well essentially your 1500 meters pace should be a tad bit slower like the splits should have about 2-10 seconds on them for example 2.10 and 2.15. Yours should be around 4.20-4.40 I disagree. A 1500 runner coming up from 400-800 will be double the 800 time plus about 10-15 seconds. A distance runner coming down to 1500 - the 1500 will get down to close to double the 800 time. So 4.05-4.15 depending on what type of 1500 runner you are.