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Q: How many people get speeding tickets?
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How many people receive speeding tickets on their way to the hospital?

A bunch of people.

How many speeding tickets can you have before they suspend your license?

5 tickets..

How many speeding tickets have been issued in Kentucky in 2008?

there have been 6,988 tickets issued for speeding in Kentucky in 2008

How many people get speeding tickets s per year?

The number of people who receive speeding tickets per year can vary widely depending on the region and enforcement practices, but millions of speeding tickets are issued annually in the United States alone. It is important to follow speed limits and traffic laws to avoid receiving a ticket.

How many people get speeding tickets per year?

Over 100,000 people a day receive a speeding ticket in this country. That's over 41,000,0000 speeding tickets per year. One in every 6 drivers will get a speeding ticket this year. The average speeding ticket costs $150.00. 41,000,000 x 150.00 = $6,150,000,000 That's over 6 BILLION dollars per year in speeding ticket fines alone................

How many speeding tickets can you get in illnois before suspenion?


What is the fine for a teenager with 2 speeding tickets in Ohio?

The fine for a speeding ticket normally depends on the actual speed, not on the age of the driver or how many other tickets you have.

How many speeding tickets can you get if you have a CDL in Illinois?

three tickets in your record and its automatic two month suspension.

How can Agnes act like a sociologist and be systematic in her study of why people drive faster then speed limit?

By asking people who recieve speeding tickets why they were speeding.

Can speeding tickets in Mississippi cause you to lose your license?

If you get too many of them, yes.

Does a ticket for inattention to driving go on your driving record in Washington state?

No, it does not. That is why many people try to get speeding tickets down graded to inattention to driving.

What is the Indiana statute of limitation on speeding tickets?

There is no statute of limitations for a speeding tickets in Indiana. You have been duly informed and charged with the violation by the ticket.