The distance from Bellingham, Washington to Spokane, Washington is approximately 289 miles.
1265 miles
It is 1,619 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance between Bellingham, Washington and Roseburg, Oregon is approximately 500 miles if traveling by car.
2,522 miles if you drive and or just below 2,000 miles in a straight line.
2350 miles.
1375 miles
Yes, as a local of Bellingham, there is a airport. Located just off I-5..You can fly to las Vegas and Arizona...and many other places...They might start flying to Hawaii after building new runway.
From Bellingham, WA to Bozeman, MT is 762 miles.
53 miles
1279 miles
It is 683 miles from Bellingham to Redding via I-5 S.