The area of Brazil includes 21,411 square miles (55,455 square kilometers) of water. More than one-third of Brazil is drained by the Amazon River Basin and its 200+ tributaries.
there are many mountains
There are 3,287,597 miles squared in Brazil
Brazil - 3,287,597 square miles.
There are many rivers which are located in Brazil. Some of the rivers in this region include the Amazon, Rio de la Plata, and the Tocantins.
year there are more rivers Brazil is a very large country with many rivers, and some small mountains (the larger mountains of South America are in countries that lie to the west of Brazil). The largest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through Brazil.
There are is an estimate 350,000 miles of rivers that are in the United States.
About 1979km (1229.69 miles)
Mexico is 2,750 Kilometers (1,720 miles) northeast of Brazil.
there is about 2,000,000 miles
71,000 miles
Rio de Janeiro is one of Brazil's rivers
The land area of Brazil is approx 3,227,000 square miles.