2,000,000 miles
she was born on october 26, 1947 and her childhood was in Park Ridge, Illinois she was born on october 26, 1947 and her childhood was in Park Ridge, Illinois she was born on october 26, 1947 and her childhood was in Park Ridge, Illinois
Burr Ridge, Illinois
Goofey Ridge is a neighborhood of homes near Sand Ridge State Forest. They have either Topeka and Havana mailing addresses.http://www.pekintimes.com/news/20160617/goofy-ridge-residents-dispel-myths-about-reputation
He is entombed at the Lincoln Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.
The address of the Ridge Farm Heritage Society is: Po Box 331, Ridge Farm, IL 61870-0331
blue ridge
The phone number of the Park Ridge Historical Society is: 847-696-1973.
The address of the Kalo Foundation Of Park Ridge is: 255 N Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068-3343
Which Canyon Ridge?
The web address of the Ridge Historical Society is: http://www.ridgehistoricalsociety.org
The southwest side