The shortest driving distance is 299 miles.
About 1,843 miles
210 Miles
Approximately 134 miles.
The distance from Wichita Falls, TX to Sweetwater, TX is approximately 150 miles when traveling by car.
585 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 287 NORTH from Wichita Falls to I-40 WEST.Continue on I-40 WEST to Grants. The exits for Grants are EXITS 85 and 81.
About 931 miles, about 14 hours and 36 minutes.
It is 644.35 miles via Fort Worth, Wichita Falls and Amarillo according to MapQuest.
460 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 287 NORTH, from Wichita Falls, to U.S. 87 NORTH, in Amarillo.Continue on U.S. 87 NORTH to I-25 NORTH in Raton, NEW MEXICO.Take I-25 NORTH to Trinidad.
How many road miles is it from Wichita to Kansas City?
There are 541 miles between Wichita Kansas and Minneapolis Minnesota as the crow flies.
1232.17907 miles to Wichita, KS from Toronto, ON.