Using I-85, it's about 170 miles.
160 miles
Yes it is (Raleigh is North-East of Charlotte). Distance - 170 miles (about 2 hours 43 min)
The distance between Raleigh, NC, USA and Charlotte, NC, USA is 165 Miles and will take about 2 Hours 42 Minutes to drive.
how many miles is it from Raleigh nc to greensboro n.c. \
It is a close call. Raleigh at 175 miles is a single mile closer to Myrtle Beach then Charlotte.
155 miles
About 3 hours
It is about 65 miles to go from Fayetteville NC to Raleigh NC.
How many road miles for Springfield, MO to Raleigh, NC?
159 miles, 2 hours 26 min. drive.
14 miles