988 miles taking this route:
The driving distance between Tappahannock, Virginia to Smithfield, Virginia is 90.3 mi - about 2 hours 1 min.The direct distance between Tappahannock and Smithfield is 66 miles (106 km).
The distance in miles from Oxford, MS to Charlotte, NC is 706 miles if you take the I-95.
There are two Oxfords in Mississippi. The distance from Jackson to the Oxford in Lafayette County is about 173 miles while the Oxford in Amite County is only 104 miles.
The driving time from Oxford, Mississippi to Birmingham, Alabama is about three hours. (about 190 miles)
About 335 miles.
It is 1,490 miles according to Google Maps.
The air distance from Mqabba, Malta, to Oxford, Mississippi, is 5,559 miles. That equals 8,946 kilometers or 4,830 nautical miles.
If you mean Smithfield, VA, then it's 58 miles.
The driving distance from Charleston, South Carolina to Oxford, Mississippi is 649 miles via I-20 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 57 minutes.
The Mississippi is over 1800 miles due WEST from the State of Virginia. Virginia is a Middle Atlantic State and is often considered part of the South. The Mississippi River cuts through the Midwest States, almost cutting the USA in about half east to west.
Ole Miss (University of Mississippi) is located in, or conjoined with the city of Oxford, Mississippi. It is located roughly 25 miles East of Batesville, MS, and 50 miles West of Tupelo.
Kentucky is indeed east of the Mississippi River. The Mississippi forms part of the western border of Illinois about 100 miles from the eastern border of Kentucky.