Its about 290 miles from Indianapolis to Nashville. Figure about four and a half hours.
You can travel on the I-65 from Nashville TN to Indianapolis. The driving distance on the I-65 is 286 miles.
Louisville, KY
It is 151 miles from Gary, IN to Indianapolis, IN.
Indianapolis, IN is 368.2 square miles.
about 8 miles
555 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 31 SOUTH to I-65 SOUTH to LOIUSIVLLE via I-465 around Indianapolis (EXIT 53B off I-465 to get onto I-65 SOUTH).Take I-65 SOUTH to Nashville.
There is no "state" capital 1100 miles north of Nashville. Canada is less than 1100 miles north of Nashville, Tennessee. Winnipeg, the capital city in the Canadian "PROVINCE" of Manitoba, is 1081 miles north-northwest of Nashville. Ottawa Canada (the capital city in Canada) is 862 miles northeast of Nashville. Juneau, Alaska is 2631 miles northwest of Nashville. Albany, New York is 827 miles northeast of Nashville, Tennessee. Indianapolis Indiana is 251 miles north of Nashville. Springfield, Illinois is 296 miles north-northwest of Nashville. Columbus Ohio is 333 miles northeast of Nashville. Madison Wisconsin is 497 miles north-northwest of Nashville.
361.67 square miles in Indianapolis, Indiana.
about 14 miles
It is 776 miles from Indianapolis, IN to Tallahassee, FL.
32 miles