It is 204 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 155.19 miles from Mount Pleasant to Detroit.
You have to specify which Mount Pleasant you are asking about, as there are at least 4 of them.
188 miles
The distance between Mount Pleasant SC, USA and Seoul, South Korea, is 7,276 miles (11,709 km)
The distance between Sarasota, Florida and Mount Pleasant, South Carolina is approximately 378 miles when driving.
Mount Pleasant Iowa is 516 miles from Nashville and 619 miles from Oklahoma City.
86 miles
Capital Region International Airport - Lansing, MI (LAN / KLAN) - about 71 road miles from Mount Pleasant.
The address of the Titus County Historical Preservation Society is: Po Box 1024, Mount Pleasant, TX 75456-1024
It is 702 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 155 miles according to Google Maps.