The distance from Leicester to Birmingham is about 40 miles
There are 5,352 air miles between Los Angeles and Birmingham, England.
The driving distance between Birmingham, England and Edinburgh, Scotland is about 291 road miles.
The driving distance between Birmingham, England and Tenerife is 2447 miles. The distance between the two cities by air is 1836 miles.
54 miles taking M5.
Air distance between Birmingham, Pennsylvania and Walsall, England is 3,472 miles. That is 5,587 kilometers. It is 3,017 nautical miles.
Depending where you are in London the distance between London and Birmingham is about 115 miles125 miles taking either M40 or M6 & M1.
About 400 miles
3000 500 99 miles
Birmingham England - 103.4 square miles.
From Dublin in Ireland to Birmingham in England is about 194 miles or 312 kilometres.
The air distance from Birmingham, England, to Orlando, Florida, is 4,261 miles. That equals 6,856 kilometers or 3,702 nautical miles.